Deadline: May 31, 2025..
57th World Gallery of Cartoons 2025 Skopje North Macedonia
• The organizer of the event is OSTEN Skopje, the Republic of North Macedonia.
• The PROCESS of ORGANIZATION of the 57 th WGC Skopje 2025 is in four phases:
- APPLICATION (31 May 2025).
- SELECTION + publication of selected cartoonists (June 2025).
- JURY + announcement of finalists (July – August 2025).
• THE OFFICIAL EXHIBITION and AWARD GIVING (November – December 2025) in Skopje.
• TYPES OF WORKS – cartoons | satirical drawing | comic/strip (one panel of non-linguistic strip).
• THEME | TECHNIQUE – by the author’s choice.
• FORMAT - А3 (42 х 30 см) or А4 (30 х 21 см).
• NUMBER of WORKS – up to 5 works / cartoonist.
• The cartoonists can participate with:
- ORIGINAL WORKS, (hand-created works/drawn on paper or other media).
- DIGITAL WORKS (printed, numbered and signed in pencil on the front).
• Only works from the NEWER PRODUCTION, which have not previously been PUBLISHED or AWARDED, will be considered.
• WORKS that are deemed by the jury to be identical or closely similar to the known works by another cartoonist - will NOT be judged.
• IF DETECTED the cartoonist has violated any of the rules for participation after the awarding - the jury has the right to withdraw the award.
• ACCORDING TO THE ORGANIZER’S DIRECTIONS, the selector and the international jury will pay particular attention to the visual expression of the submitted works.
- FILL in the APPLICATION FORM (electronically or manually) and send it to the e-mail: along with a photo, short bio and digital images of the submitted works.
- SEND THE ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED WORKS original or digital (printed, numbered and signed) BY POSTAL MAIL along with the printed and signed Application Form.
- WRITE the name, the country and the title ON THE BACK OF EACH WORK.
** only works that will arrive by post at the organizer's address by the specified date (see below) will be taken into account in the selection and judging process.
*** by filling out the application, the author cedes to the organizer the NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to use, exhibit, study and publish his works for the purposes of the event.
DEADLINE for arrival of the works for participation in the 57th WGC Skopje 2025 - May 31, 2025!!!
8 Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
When sending the works, be sure to put on the shipment: NON-COMMERCIAL SHIPMENT / FOR EXHIBITION ONLY!
You should choose one of the options below
• To participate WITHOUT A PARTICIPATION FEE (the submitted works remain in the OSTEN Collection).
• To participate WITH A PARTICIPATION FEE of 20 $ (non-selected works to be returned to the author).
The payment should be done via money transfer to the OSTEN Skopje account:
Beneficiary: OSTEN DOOEL SKOPJE, 8 Udarna Brigada 2, Skopje 1000, N. Macedonia
IBAN: MK07210701000702188 | SWIFT: TUTNMK22
Bank: NLB AD SKOPJE, Majka Tereza 1, Skopje 1000, N. Macedonia
• The SELECTOR decides about the CARTOONISTS who go to the next level of jurying with all submitted works.
• The INTERNATIONAL JURY reviews the works of the selected cartoonists, chooses the work that will be
presented in the catalog and decides on the awards envisaged by the organizer.
• The ORGANIZER will notify all registered cartoonists about the:
- RESULTS of the SELECTION (until the end of June 2025).
- SELECTION of FINALISTS (until the end of August 2025).
- THE JURY DECISION / AWARDS (by the end of September 2025).
… and will publish the results on its website -, official FB page World Gallery of Cartoons and other printed, electronic and social media.
• The works of the AWARDED CARTOONISTS, FINALISTS and SELECTED CARTOONISTS will be reproduced in the catalog of the 57th WGC Skopje 2025.
• The works of the AWARDED CARTOONISTS, FINALISTS and SELECTED CARTOONISTS will be exhibited at the official exhibition of the 57th WGC Skopje 2025.
• AWARDED CARTOONISTS receive respective cash prizes (where and as much as provided - see below),
printed certificates and a copy of the catalog by mail.
• FINALISTS receive digital certificates and catalog in pdf by e-mail.
GRAND PRIX for LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: (1500 $ & Sculpture) – decision by the Council of Ambassadors of OSTEN.
FIRST AWARD: ($1000 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury.
SECOND AWARD: ($500 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury.
5 THIRD AWARDS: (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury.
5 SPECIAL AWARDS: (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury.
CICO AWARD: * for a Macedonian Cartoonist (Plaque) – decision by the OSTEN Board.
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico.
- The organizer invites ALL CARTOONISTS - PARTICIPANTS of the 57th WGC Skopje 2025 to attend the opening of the exhibition and the award ceremony in November - December 2025 in Skopje (exact date will be determined later).
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