33rd International Biennial Humor in Art Exhibition 2025 Tolentino Italy

Deadline:May 12, 2025... The contest is divided into two sections: 1. "Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino" (City of Tolentino International Award) dedicated to humorous art on the theme "UNINTENTIONAL COMEDY".
2. "Premio Luigi Mari" (Luigi Mari Award) for caricatures of illustrious figures.

33rd International Biennial Humor in Art Exhibition 2025 Tolentino Italy
July 12, 2025 - January 6, 2026
The Municipality of Tolentino convenes and organises the 33rd Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte (33rd Festival of Humour in Art) - a prize contest focused on humour in art.

The contest is divided into two sections: 

1. "Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino" (City of Tolentino International Award) dedicated to humorous art on the theme "UNINTENTIONAL COMEDY".
An oversight, an error, a slip of the tongue or an uncoordinated action. That is how a discourse, a situation or a context may morph into comedic instances, occasionally bordering on the absurd or grotesque, yet invariably hilarious. Unintentional comedy manifests in many forms, from unexpected characters and in the most unpredictable situations. The reaction of those watching, unavoidable and merciless, is laughter.

2. "Premio Luigi Mari" (Luigi Mari Award) for caricatures of illustrious figures.
The contest comprises:
– a selection of the competing entries by a qualified jury. The artworks so singled out will be exhibited at the venue of the 33rd Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte, from July 12, 2025 throughout January 6, 2026.
– publication of a complimentary catalogue that will be presented to the authors of the selected works;
– a prize awarding event.

- The contest is open to contemporary artists of any nationality and any age, who are allowed to enter a maximum of three works which must be unreleased and authentic, free in size and technique, and performed in whatever form of visual art, material and support – pictorial, graphics, sculpture and installation, photography and video. Videos [maximum duration: 10 minutes] and computer aided digital visuals are also allowed to enter the contest.

- To submit your works, please complete the registration process on this site www.biumor.com using the "Participate" button.

- Once you have registered, It is required that all works be submitted solely in digital format - paintings, sculptures, drawings and the like must be photographed or scanned. Please make sure to fill in all the required fields on the participation form.

- The images should be in JPG, PNG, or PDF format, minimum resolution 150 dpi, saved in high quality, max file size is 3 MB per file.

- Videos need to be in MP4 or MOV format, 720p resolution, maximum file size: 2 GB, formatted in accordance with the following standard: author’s surname_title_section.

- The jury-selected works for the exhibition will be requested from the author in their original form. To this end, the Municipality will promptly inform the author, asking for the original/material version to be sent by the deadline that will be communicated.
ART. 3 - DEADLINE The deadline to enter the contest is May 12, 2025.

- Admission of the works, their selection for display and the awarding of prizes are exclusive competence of the jury nominated by the Municipality of Tolentino in consultation with the Artistic Director. The jury's decision is final and irrevocable.

- The Jury is constituted as follows:
Enrico Maria Davoli - Andrea Gualandri - John McCourt
Matteo Nannini - Ilaria Pezone - Roberto Semprini - Agnese Tonelli.

The Jury will award below prizes:
"Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino" (City of Tolentino International Award) for humor in art on the topic of "Unintentional comedy".
1st Prize: – Winner of the Biennial € 3,000.00. 
The winner of the 33rd Festival will be the guest artist for the following Biennial (2027) with his own exhibition (max. 20 works). 
2nd Prize: € 1.000,00. 
3d Prize: € 500,00. 

"Premio Luigi Mari" (“Luigi Mari Award”) for caricatures of illustrious figures:
1st Prize: € 1,500.00.
- Other special commendations may possibly be awarded by the jury.
- All monetary awards are subject to gross taxation.

- The prize winning works will not be returned, they shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino and will become part of the collection of MIUMOR - the International Museum of Humor in Art.
- The works selected for the exhibition, if expressly donated by the Author shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino, that is entitled to make a discretionary use of them.
- The works not expressly donated can be collected personally by the artist or their delegate; alternatively they can be returned, not earlier than the thirtieth day after the scheduled closing date of the Exhibition, unless extended, if specifically indicated.
The Municipality of Tolentino, in its capacity as organizer of the event, pledges to the greatest care, custody and supervision over the length of time they will be at the venue of the Biennial Exhibition and during transportation, but declines all responsibility for theft, fire, damage or loss that may occur as a result of any unforeseen causes.

- Contestants allow the Municipality the right to reproduce any of the selected works free of charge for publication in the official catalogue of the Exhibition, in as many copies as the Municipality shall deem appropriate, including publication on the website and any other form of communication and promotion.
- The City is authorized to publish the works on any support, even for commercial purposes. In case of reproductions, the author will be mentioned in the habitual ways. The author allows free use of their work for popularisation, cultural and recreational purposes, as well as for public enjoyment. The author must expressly renounce all rights to any compensation.
Contestants expressly authorize the Municipality of Tolentino to process the personal data in its possession in accordance with the personal data protection law, so as to include them in databases operated directly by the local administration or a third party appointed by it. 
- As organizer of the 33rd Biennial Exhibition, the Municipality is entitled to adopt final decisions on all matters not mentioned in these Regulations.
- These are published on the website www.biumor.com in Italian, English, French and Spanish. In case of controversy, the Italian text shall prevail.
- Participation in the 33rd Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte implies unconditional acceptance of all items contained herein.
phone +39 0733 901365 / +39 375 5995865
E-mail: info@biumor.com

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