Humor Sapiens Humor Bulletin September 2024

Let's talk about Graphic Humor Contests

On September 10th, at 12 midnight, the reception of graphic humor works in our “Humor Sapiens 2024 Contest” closes, both in the International category and in the National School category of Chile.

Being the first one we convene, we cannot complain about the participation of artists, works and countries represented. We are so proud and happy that we will talk about the topic of contests in this Editorial. >>>

Interview with Jorge Montealegre
By Pepe Pelayo

I understand humor as a human, intelligent quality
Chilean Jorge Montealegre (1954) is a journalist, poet, essayist, researcher, cultural manager, specialist in graphic humor, director of the Research and Studies Network of Humor (RIEH), Chile, and creative editor and scriptwriter of graphic humor. He worked for a long time making jokes, for example, for the humorous publications Condorito and Topaze. He has published several books, among them: Von Pilsener, first character of the Chilean comic strip; Puro Chile. Humorous and (anti)patriotic satire, Prehistorieta de Chile, del arte rupestre al primer periódico de caricaturas and Sentido del Rumor. Monitos y monadas bajo dictadura... >>>

GROWING OLD WITH HUMOUR | Onofre Varela (Portugal)

By Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa
(Historian, writer and specialist in graphic humour)

To conclude this series of critiques on aging among cartoonists, this month I give space to an “old” friend, who is younger in spirit than me and who has accompanied me in my activities of producing graphic humor events for more than three decades. The Portuguese cartoonist Onofre Varela (Porto 1944), a young man who started working at the age of 13 and has remained active for the last seven decades. From lithographer to graphic artist, from publicist to comedian, from painter to cartoonist, passing through writing as well, he has done a bit of everything... >>>

VISUAL HUMOURS: Bruno Hamzagic: personal caricature as artistic expression

By Francisco Puñal Suárez
(Journalist, photographer, scholar and promoter of humour).

When you look at the wide and imaginative work of Brazilian Bruno Hamzagic (São Paulo, 1981), which includes illustration, web page art direction, animation and cartoons, you discover that this author loves humour and always includes it in everything he does.

Although most of his training is self-taught, Bruno has studied fine arts, design and animation, and continues to improve himself daily, mainly on the Internet, where he also contacts artists and specialised blogs. He has also experimented with 3D animation projects... >>>

AY, HUMOR, AY, HUMOR | Xaquín Marín and his ‘son’ Gaspariño

By Félix Caballero Wangümert
(Writer, humorist and journalist).

Xaquín Marín (1943) is one of the most universal Galician cartoonists. And when I say Galicians I don't mean Spaniards in general (I know I'm writing in a Latin American medium), but specifically Galicians, natives of Galicia, that region in the northwest of Spain that had already produced other geniuses of humorous drawing that transcended borders and continents such as José María Cao (1862-1918, the father of Argentine political cartoons), Juan Carlos Alonso (1886-1945, the most famous cartoonist in all of South America in his time) or, of course, Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao (1886-1950, the creator of modern Galician cartoons... >>>

DON HUMOR | Political Humor

By Don L. F. Nilsen
(Assistant Dean. Humanities Division. Emeritus College. Arizona State University.

In January 2018, when President Donald Trump boasted that the State of the Union audience (45.6 million) was “the highest number ever,” in fact, both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton had more viewers. Then, on “Late Night,” Steven Colbert concluded, “Nielsen only counts American viewers, but we are sure that many Russians tuned in as well.” In his 2018 State of the Union address, Donald Trump tried to expand the term “Dreamers” by saying that we are all “dreamers.” >>>

HUMOR AND ITS VARIANTS | Humor in Chile. Historical sketches (III)

By Alejandro Rojo Vivot
(Writer, columnist, lecturer and literary humorist).

Politics often uses humor to carry out its mission, and other times it is humorists who contribute to the debate by providing their respective points of view. For example, cartoons are and have been outstanding instruments for exercising political criticism through humor... >>>


By Ricardo Guzmán Wolffer
(Lawyer, writer, playwright and literary humorist)

Arto Paasilinna, the great Finnish writer, has among his many works the book “Delicious group suicide”. Two men are on a bridge about to commit suicide. Out of kindness, they give each other the right to jump. “You first, I'll follow,” they say to each other several times and then they realise that a group suicide might be more fun... >>>


September 8, 1645, Francisco de Quevedo, Spanish literary and stage humorist, died.

Milestones in the History of Humor

Modern clown
Review: Circus clown, and especially the one who, with an air of affectation and seriousness, is paired with the august one (see “clown”). This is also what the lounge clown is called. Many disagree that jester, clown and clown are synonyms. Those who wish to differentiate themselves from the clown claim that they carry out their work outside the circus and appeal not only to getting easy laughter from the public.

Data: Joseph Grimaldi (1778-1837) was exclusively a theatrical clown and is considered the father of the modern clown, because he was the artist who elevated this white-faced modality to the role of protagonist, replacing Harlequin.

"Laughing at everything is silly, but not laughing at anything is stupid."
(Erasmo de ROTTERDAM)



Humor Sapiens Locker
Here you will find the latest magazines, magazines, newsletters, supplements and a large part of the humorous periodicals published in the world of graphic humor.

Festival Bonaerense de Humor
The Cultural Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires will hold this 2nd edition in San Vicente. It will be on Saturday, August 10th from 6:00 p.m. at the Galpón de las Artes “Aída y Jorge Luz” (Sarmiento 1000) and will include workshops, interviews, and variety shows.

Seminar "Comic art, manual for the comedian"
The actor and comedian Eduardo Calvo will give the intensive seminar “Comic art, a manual for the comedian”, on Saturday, August 17, from 2 to 7 p.m., at Espacio Cuatro Elementos (Alberti 2746), Mar del Plata, Argentina.

When humor bursts into literature (National Reading Marathon)
The Fundación Leer presents a new edition of its National Reading Marathon, which this year focuses on humor as its main theme. With the motto "Between laughter, guffaws and ironies."

The Turkish magazine "Fenamizah" is resurrected!
In this issue of "Fenamizah e-magazine" whose editorial director is Aziz Yavuzdo ğan, world-renowned caricaturists and writers participated, including 80 cartoon and writing artists from 30 different countries.

Talk "Humor as a scientific communication tool"
The Secretariat of Science and Technology (Secyt) of the National University of Córdoba invites the talk “Humor as a scientific communication tool”, by Professor Mario Vázquez, from the University of Antioquia (Colombia).
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Humor is a valuable educational tool for fathers and mothers
Humor is the healthiest escape valve we can have, as it helps relieve stress and put problems into perspective. Thus, it can be a valuable educational tool for fathers and mothers.
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It is better to learn English by laughing
A language has words and expressions that, although they can be learned through a dictionary or a textbook, can be assimilated better and more quickly when the person is exposed to the situation and its context.
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Ideal temperature for humor as a state of mind
Humor is the exercise of the sense of humor and humor is an artistic genre. But humor is also being in a good mood, in a good state of mind, talent, disposition towards life. To enjoy the first two meanings, we must be in a good mood.
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Laughter and humor increase our attractiveness
This was confirmed by research carried out by psychologists Barbara Fraley and Arthur Aaron, from the State University of New York.
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Humor Sapiens Gallery

"Charlie CHAPLIN" - Bruno HAMZAGIC, Brazil


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