6. Velletri Ridens Award 2022 Italy

The cartoons must not exceed the size of the A4 format vertically or horizontal (maximum 2 works). The works may be, chosen, in black and white or in color and made with any technique. Deadline for sending the works is: Sunday 21 August 2022..  The awarded works will remain owned by the "Pro Loco Velitrae" cultural association. The organization will provide for an adequate and accurate presentation of the works at the headquarters of the exhibition at via Alfonso

The cartoons must not exceed the size of the A4 format vertically or horizontal (maximum 2 works). The works may be, chosen, in black and white or in color and made with any technique. Deadline for sending the works is: Sunday 21 August 2022.

 The awarded works will remain owned by the "Pro Loco Velitrae" cultural association.. The organization will provide for an adequate and accurate presentation of the works at the headquarters of the exhibition at via Alfonso Alfonsi on 3 September from 17 to 20 and at Casa delle Cultures and music on September 4.

 6th Velletri Ridens Award 2022 Italy

Invite to participate in the 6th Edition of Velletri Ridens Prize in Italy
Theme: "Paradoxes, Inconsistencies, Contradictions."
A) Professional artists: humorous designers, illustrators, vignettes, satiricals, strips, caricaturists. By professional we mean those who usually publish, or have published in the previous three years, their works on mass media-TV, newspapers, online magazines or has a humorous design publications.

B) Non professional artists: authors of cartoons or humorous stripes, even if published on the "media", of non professionals, young people of non -professional talent.
- The organization will provide for an adequate and accurate presentation of the works at the headquarters of the exhibition at via Alfonso Alfonsi on 3 September from 17 to 20 and at Casa delle Cultures and music on September 4.
- Each author can send a maximum of three works, made specifically for this prize (therefore not a work already exposed or presented in other competitions). In the past, those who have been winning in the past will also be able to participate.
- The authors must send the works to the address: Pro Loco Velitrae Garibaldi Tourist information point 00049 Velletri or to the email address: prolocovelitrae@libero.it
- Deadline for sending the works is: Sunday 21 August 2022.

- The cartoons must not exceed the size of the A4 format vertically or horizontal (maximum 2 works). The works may be, chosen, in black and white or in color and made with any technique.

- The first professional winner will receive € 1000 (one thousand) payable within 90 days, dedicated plaque, a selection of the best wines and gastronomic products of Velitena excellence offered by sponsors.

- The second and third professional winners will receive a plaque prize dedicated to the event, a selection of the best wines and gastronomic products of Velitena excellence and tributes offered by sponsors.
- The first winner non professional will receive a premium € 500 (five hundred) payable within 90 days, dedicated plaque, a selection of the best wines and gastronomic products of Velitena excellence offered by sponsors.

- The second and third non professional winners will receive a plaque prize dedicated to the event, a selection of the best wines and gastronomic products of Velitena excellence and tributes offered by sponsors.

- Further prizes will be given to deserving participants, identified by the jury.
- The awarded works will remain owned by the "Pro Loco Velitrae" cultural association.

- For more informations Click here

(Source: Egypt Cartoon)


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