World Press Cartoon 2025 Lisboa Portugal

Deadline:  May 15, 2025..


a. World Press Cartoon Oeiras 2025 (WPC Oeiras 2025) comprises three categories: 
Editorial Cartoon, Caricature and Gag Cartoon. 

b. Within Editorial Cartoon all works shall be considered that deal with specific news and current affairs issues and events. 

c. Within Caricature, only caricature works in the strict sense are considered, with only humorous portraits being allowed. 

d. Within Gag Cartoon, works shall be considered that deal with themes that are not directly related to current affairs issues. 

e. Authors should submit to competition the works they consider to be of the highest level. However, this being an international salon, the organization draws attention that characters, themes, and events of a more universal outlook are the most suitable. 


a. Each work submitted to competition is required to have one entry form and identification label, fully filled and readable. 

b. Each entry form must be pasted on the back of the corresponding work. 


a. Only the works that have been published between January 1, 2024, and May 15, 2025, in newspapers or magazines of regular publication and on sale to the public, or in online publications of recognized journalistic nature, are accepted for competition. 

b. Authors may submit to competition up to six works, two for each category of the salon: Editorial Cartoon, Caricature and Gag Cartoon. 

c. For works created by using traditional techniques, only the originals are accepted. 

d. When elaborated by digital or mixed techniques, works in high resolution prints are admitted if signed by the author, and tehchniques and software used must be mentioned in the entry form. 

e. Works carried out using Artificial Intelligence tools will not be accepted. 

f. Format of the works cannot exceed the A3 European standard: 420 x 297 mm. 

g.  Works published on paper printed media must be accompanied by the full page of the respective press publication as well as the front 1st page of the newspaper or magazine in which the competing work was published. 

h. Works published online must be accompanied by a print screen of the site page where they were published, with date and title of the publication clearly visible. The access link must be entered on the entry form. 

i. Works with captions, subtitles or other words must be translated into English, and are to be included in readable fashion on the entry form. 

j. Works competing in the Caricature category must include on the entry form the portrayed character’s name, nationality, and media relevance. 

k. Works must be sent to the address made available to authors by the organization, with a deadline for receipt of May 31, 2025. 


a. The act of registering a work implies the formal transfer of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes. 

b. The award-winning works and those distinguished with honorable mentions become the property of the WPC Oeiras 2025 organization, whose ownership belongs to WPC, Lda., implying the transfer of the full copyright of the work, in accordance with the legal standards in force in the Portuguese legal system. 


a. The works must be sent in flat packaging, protected between two rigid cards. 

b. On the package front, clearly visible, the following must be written:  SEM VALOR COMERCIAL / NO COMMERCIAL VALUE. 


a. The WPC Oeiras 2025 organization, under guidance of the Salon´s Director, shall select the works to be included in the public exhibition and its catalogue. 

b. Prizes and Honourable Mentions shall be awarded by a five-member international jury including the Salon´s Director, who chairs it. 

c. The jury decisions are taken by majority vote and are not subject to appeal. d. According to the assessment made on the quality standard of the competing works, the jury may not award all the expected prizes.

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