Construction Sector Work Accidents International Cartoon Contest 2024 Istanbul Türkiye

Subject: “Occupational Accidents in Construction”.. Deadline: Sunday, October 10, 2024.. Technique: Free.. Size: A3.. Jpeg.. 300dpi.. Works must not have received awards, been exhibited or published before.

Publication Date: August 15, 2024, Thursday

Deadline: October 10, 2024, Thursday

Purpose and Subject/Theme of the Competition

Safety is a priority for everyone in the construction sector. However, we are faced with the fact that occupational accidents still occur. For this reason, in order to draw attention to occupational accidents in the construction sector, a workshop and cartoon competition themed “Occupational Accidents in Construction” will be held on October 24, 2024, planned jointly by Istanbul Aydın University and IMM, and will include leading companies in the construction sector in Turkey.

In line with this purpose, it is thought that the cartoon competition, which will be held with the motto “For a Safe Construction Sector with Cartoons!”, will contribute to the awareness of sector employees, employers and society in preventing occupational accidents in the construction sector and promoting safe working environments.

Type and Format of the Competition

All amateur and professional cartoonists in the world can participate in the competition. Participation in the competition is free.

Competition Participation Conditions and Evaluation Criteria

The competition is aimed at international amateur and professional cartoonists with the theme of “Construction Sector Work Accidents”.

- By filling out the participation form, the contestant declares that he/she is the author of the cartoon(s) he/she will participate in the competition and that he/she has the right to these cartoons and the rights he/she has in accordance with Articles 21-25 of the Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works Law No. 5846. It declares and accepts in advance that it has granted a non-exclusive simple license to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality the financial rights of processing, reproduction, distribution, representation and transmission to the public through means used for signal, sound and/or image transmission as defined in the provisions of the article, without any place, period and number restrictions and including the right to transfer to third parties, and that it has also granted the authority to use the moral rights enumerated in Law No. 5846 on FSEK, which are mandatory for the use of the licensed financial rights, to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and that it consents to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality using the cartoon(s) in question in any way it wishes, including but not limited to exhibiting, keeping in its archives, reproducing and publishing on the internet and in other ways.

- If the cartoon(s) that the contestant will participate in the competition receive awards and/or prizes, he/she declares that he/she is the owner of the cartoon(s) that receive awards and/or prizes and that he/she transfers the ownership of the work that he/she has sent to the competition to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and that he/she has rights over the work in accordance with Articles 21-25 of the Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works Law No. 5846. He/she hereby accepts and declares in advance that he/she has transferred the usage rights of the financial rights of processing, duplication, distribution, representation and transmission to the public by means of means used for signal, sound and/or image transmission defined in the provisions of this article, including the rights to transfer these to third parties, without any restriction on location, period and number, to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality exclusively, and that he/she has also granted the usage authority of the moral rights enumerated in Law No. 5846 on FSEK, which are mandatory for the usage of the licensed financial rights, to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and that he/she consents to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality using the cartoon(s) in question in any way they wish, including by exhibiting them, keeping them in their archives, reproducing and publishing them on the internet and in other ways, and that he/she no longer has the authority to dispose of the financial rights in question, and therefore, he/she will not enter into any transaction with third parties regarding the transferred financial rights.

- The participant accepts and declares that the work submitted to the competition is a completely original work, that there is no right of any third party on the work arising from the FSEK numbered 5846, and that permission has been obtained for these rights, if any, and that in the event that a third party claims a right on the submitted work and Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality pay compensation or a similar amount under any name due to the use of the work in question, the participant will pay twice this amount as a penalty to Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and that the prize given to the participant will be taken back.

- The contestant accepts and declares that the information in the participation form filled in to participate in the competition will be processed and transferred within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, within the framework of the International Cartoon Competition of Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, for the purposes of communication and participation in the competition, and that even if the application is unsuccessful, the personal data will be stored by Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality for the period stipulated by the legislation, and that the information regarding participation in the competition will be shared with the jury, press and media organs and other relevant persons, and that in the event of receiving an award or publication of his/her work, his/her information as the author of the work will be shared with the public and that the necessary information has been provided to him/her in this regard.

- The contestant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed before participating in the competition that he/she must provide clear and understandable information regarding the right he/she requests to exercise during the application, that he/she must prove his/her identity during the application and therefore send his/her identity information with the application, and that he/she must share his/her contact information so that the application result can be communicated to him/her.

- The 1-day accommodation expenses required for the first three ranks to come to the award ceremony will be covered by the organizing committee.

- First degree relatives of the consultants, selection committee members and substitute members, and the managers of the institution unit organizing the competition cannot participate in the competition.

- Cartoons can be drawn in any desired technique, black and white or colored, in A3 (297mmX420mm) size. Cartoons should be prepared in JPEG format (300 dpi resolution) and A3 horizontal/vertical format and submitted digitally with the participation form to In addition, no mail will be sent.

- Competitors can participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 cartoons.

- Contestants must determine a nickname consisting of 6 digits and the cartoons must be named.

- There must be no markings on the cartoon that could provide clues about the participant, such as name, signature, date, logo, etc.

- The cartoons that will participate in the competition must not have received an award or exhibition in any competition or organization before, and must not have been published. The person who participates with cartoons that have received an award, honorable mention, special award and exhibition before and have been published, or with works where this cartoon is used as the main element, will be subject to rule violation procedures.

- The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes to the competition specifications and to terminate the competition.

- Participants who send their works to the competition via e-mail must write their names, contact addresses and phone numbers in their e-mails and add the following text: “I accept all the rules and regulations of the competition specifications of the International Cartoon Competition for Work Accidents in the Construction Sector.

- “I unconditionally accept all the rules and regulations of the competition specifications of the International Cartoon Competition for Work Accidents in the Construction Sector organized by Istanbul Aydın University and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality”

Jury Members:
Tayyar ÖZKAN
Prof.Dr. M. Reşat BAŞAR
Asst. Lecturer Hakan KELEŞ
Asst. Lecturer Sevgi YILMAZ

Competition Schedule:
Final Work Submission: 10/10/2024
Selection Committee Evaluation: 17/10/2024
Results Announcement: 20/10/2024
Award Ceremony: 24/10/2024

1. $3000
2. $2000
3. $1000

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